When you have a lot going on in your office, from patient visits to the newest insurance rules, it can get extremely tough to get everything done in a day. Using revenue cycle partner can help to abate some of that stress, making your day-to-day operations run more smoothly and allowing you to enjoy your job again. As revenue cycle partners, we take some of your burden and make it ours, integrating your system with ours for automation and outsourcing help. From tracking insurance claims to tendering payments, we take the busy work out of your day. Even better, we work so that you have complete confidence in our work.
We support the financial revenue cycle of your office, automating things that you may have been doing by hand before. Billing, filing claims, and tracking success has better accuracy when performed by computers and it takes a fraction of the time.

Revenue Cycle Partners Shoulder the Financial Burden
Every time you sit on the phone, spend hours answering emails, and put pencil to paper to figure out progress, you are taking valuable time out of your day. Our firm handles the brunt of this work, providing you with monthly reports about how you’re performing. From those reports, you will be able to analyze your revenue cycle, determine your goals for the next quarter, and making important decisions.
Should you hire more people? Is it time for an expansion? Using our detailed reports and insights, you will be able to predict future growth and determine whether now is the time to jump.
Of course, our system uses optimal billing methods as well – for both patients and insurance companies. This means that you will get paid in full and much more quickly. You’ll have the money you need to do that expansion or hire someone else.
Revenue Cycle Partners and Patient Satisfaction
If a patient’s claim gets rejected because of an error on your part, you may lose that patient. Errors happen on all levels, but when you have a team that focuses solely on filing claims, that risk lessens. Patients will be able to get their procedures, figure out how much they owe, and stay healthy. In the next few years, it is expected that more people will pay for their own healthcare, so this is becoming increasingly important.
Revenue Cycle Partners 2017
Our methods utilize best practices and we are consistently at the top of our field in terms of success. We’ve helped healthcare centers of all sizes and scopes to eliminate a large chunk of the busy work that takes up their time.
Even better, our services are offered without startup costs. We handle software licensing fees, hardware costs, trainings, and any maintenance that is required. You’ll get the benefit without having to worry about being on the cutting edge.
There’s no denying that systems will have to make a pivot within the next few years, and our technology is not only equipped to handle it, everything will be nearly seamless in terms of transfer. The payers and the payees won’t have to jump through hoops nor will they have to completely change their systems. As always, the rules are complex, but our systems are built anticipating this.

Best Revenue Cycle Partners for Healthcare Industry
Each member of our team is an expert in their field. They work to make your operations and revenue cycle easier. When we use the word “partners,” we truly mean that. We’ll go above and beyond for your clients and your staff, just like you will. Our billing experts, coders, and customer service professionals will all work toward your goals with you. We are happy to provide the following services as a revenue cycle partner:
Just a few of the physician billing services we offer include:
- Change Coding
- Entre Coding
- Review Coding
- Electronic Claim Submission
- Electronic Claims Management
- Claims Adjudication Status Updates
- Re-Filing Denied Claims
- Appealing Denied Claims
- Payment Posting
- Managing Accounts Receivable
- Customized Patient Statements
- Payment and Patient Collections
- Pay Performance (Rankings, Negotiations, and Compliance)
- Provider Credentialing
- Provider Registration
Healthcare Revenue Cycle Performance:
- Financial Performance
- Operations Efficiency
- Best Practices
Give us a call today and we can talk to you about how our team can partner with yours. We will eliminate much of what takes up your day, getting you back to working with patients and helping other people – the things you were trained to do.
Revenue Cycle Management Help Physician Practices Make More Money
Simply put, Pulse Revenue Cycle Management helps physician practices by collecting more money! Pulse Revenue Cycle Management customers experience first time claim acceptance rates that average over 98%. And Pulse RCM customers realize an increase in their charges, a significant increase in receipts and fewer days in A/R — shorter payment cycles mean more money, faster!