May 17, 2017
PulseCloud EHR’s medication management function is designed to simplify and streamline electronic prescription workflows. Users can quickly create and refill prescriptions, perform medication reconciliation, manage records and process formularies in real-time and securely transmit electronic prescriptions to pharmacies including controlled substances. Central to this function is Surescripts E-Prescribing.Pulse is a Surescripts Gold Solution Provider, which guarantees the security of our prescription transmission to and from pharmacies. Surescripts is the definitive provider of the national electronic exchange of prescription information between prescribers and pharmacies, which improves prescription accuracy and saves time.
Partnering with Surescripts:
- Saves time – Electronic exchange of prescriptions saves your medical team significant time by cutting out phones & faxes, and time spend answering questions about hand-written prescriptions.
- Improves patient safety – Pharmacists no longer have to interpret your handwritten prescriptions, reducing the potential for errors.
- Increases efficiency – Electronic prescriptions are delivered directly to the pharmacy’s computer system, reducing the amount of time pharmacy technicians spend interpreting handwriting or entering information manually. Additionally, since physicians have better information available at the time of prescribing, fewer pharmacist-to-physician follow-up calls will be needed.
- Expands reach – By using Surescripts, PulseCloud EHR provides a single connection to the largest network of pharmacies, assuring you are connected to all your patient’s medication provider choices.

PulseCloud EHR also integrates with Surescripts Medication History for Reconciliation providing physicians real-time nationwide access to patients’ medication histories, so they can prevent adverse drug effects (ADE’s), and giving physicians real-time access to comprehensive medication claims and pharmacy fill data.
About Pulse:
Pulse provides certified, integrated, electronic health care management systems to thousands of providers across more than 40 specialties nationwide. Pulse’s award-winning, interoperable technology platform includes easy-to-use, cost-efficient EHR, Practice Management and Revenue Cycle Management solutions. Pulse is committed to helping our physician partners gain greater workflow efficiencies, reduce costs and achieve Meaningful Use incentives – all supported by our best-in-class client support, training and implementation services.Pulse is part of the Cegedim Healthcare Software division, owned and operated by Cegedim, a global healthcare technology company. To learn more or to request a demonstration of Pulse’s solutions, please visit us at or call 1.800.444.0882
About Cegedim:
Founded in 1969, Cegedim is an innovative technology and services company in the field of digital data flow management for healthcare ecosystems and B2B, and a business software publisher for healthcare and insurance professionals. Cegedim employs more than 4,000 people in 11 countries and generated revenue of €441 million in 2016. Cegedim SA is listed in Paris (EURONEXT: CGM). To learn more, please visit:
Aude Balleydier
CegedimMedia and Communications ManagerTel.: +33 (0)1 49 09 68
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